Your credit report is a record of your credit history. It includes things like:
- your credit rating
- the credit products you have – things that your bank has agreed to lend you the money to buy
- your repayment history.
Credit providers look at your credit history to decide whether to give you credit or lend you money.
Some credit reporting agencies might give you your credit rating for free.
How to access your credit report
You can contact the credit reporting agencies below for your free credit report.
Call 138 332
You can also find out more information on their website.
Call 1300 783 684
You can also find out more information on their website.
Call 132 333
You can also find out more information on their website.
What to do if there is a mistake in your credit report
If you find a mistake in your credit report, you should follow the instructions the credit reporting agency provided with the report. The instructions will tell you how to fix the mistakes. You can report these mistakes to the agency by:
- calling the agency
- using the dispute portal when you get your credit report
- writing a letter or an email to the agency. You should include evidence of the mistakes.