Safety online Search 1800 957 957

Accessible legal and social justice for a safer future for women and children

Call our Helpline to book a free legal advice appointment
1800 957 957

9:00am to 4:30pm AEST, Monday to Friday

Emergencies: If you, a child or another person are in immediate danger, call 000.

We are committed to having a safe workplace for all staff. Any form of abuse or aggressive behaviour will not be tolerated and may impact our service to you.

What to expect when you call the WLSQ Helpline


Australia’s legal systems can be challenging and complex to navigate.

Our resources can help you to understand the basics and what to expect to help you feel more confident and better prepared.

Proudly created and run by women for women, since 1984

WLSQ is a for-purpose organisation providing free legal advice and other key support services; accessed through a variety of pathways. Services are provided through our dedicated employees and volunteers.

We provide assistance in domestic and family violence, family law, child protection and sexual assault – counselling notes protect matters.

WLSQ is committed to a society where every woman:

  • can live free from violence and discrimination.
  • can tell her story, have it heard and respected, without judgement.
  • receives a just and equitable outcome from legal and social systems.
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