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WLSQ says YES to the Voice to Parliament

The Board of Women’s Legal Service Queensland Ltd (WLSQ) has resolved to support a constitutionally enshrined Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

WLSQ’s support for the Voice to Parliament is:

  • aligned with our purpose. As an organisation dedicated to a safer future for women and their children, we recognise the importance of culturally appropriate laws to address injustice
  •  reflective of our feminist values of care, respect, inclusivity, accountability, and collaboration
  •  consistent with our role as custodians of the law; to seek to have laws that adequately reflect and protect the rights and liberties of all people
  • consistent with our support for the right to self-determination for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

WLSQ recognises it is ultimately a question for individuals to form their own views and exercise their democratic rights.

Sharing our support for the Voice is an important step in our commitment to Reconciliation. WLSQ is proud to share our support for the Yes campaign and recognition in our Constitution for the nation’s first peoples.

– Genevieve Dee (Chair) and Nadia Bromley (CEO)

For more resources, please take a look at FAQ – Yes23,  Voice to Parliament – Reconciliation Australia and the CLCQ statement.

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