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Mother and her two young children smiling

Make a monthly donation to help more women

As a monthly giver, you will join a special group of people who regularly donate to ensure women and children can receive life changing and lifesaving WLSQ support.

Your donation has the power to change lives by providing much needed services to women impacted by domestic and family violence across Queensland.

Here’s the impact your donation can make…


can help answer a woman’s call to our Statewide Helpline


can support our weekly Evening Advice Clinic for women requiring face-to-face legal advice


can provide an appointment with a WLSQ lawyer for a woman requiring legal advice

Become a Monthly Donor

Your regular donation will ensure we can support more women
and children impacted by domestic and family violence

Your regular donation can change a woman’s life.

By joining our monthly giving program, you will be enabling WLSQ to achieve the following annually (based on FY23/24 figures):


women helped


services delivered


Helpline calls answered


women assisted by our social work team with 31% flagged as urgent, high-risk cases

Helpline hours extended

to enable more Queensland women to receive free legal information and advice each day


in debt reduction and waivers for women experiencing financial abuse

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